How to add extra fields to drupal default registration form in your site?
Its very simple using profile module:
Go to Administer » Site building then choose
modules and enable
profile module, save changes.
go to Administer » User management then choose
profiles - here you will see a list of field types which you can add
* single-line textfield
* multi-line textfield
* checkbox
* list selection
* freeform list
* date
Add the fields which you wish the user to fill in the registration form of your site.
Lets see few examples:
1) If you wish your user to enter some realname field, then add a 'single-line textfield' & fill in the required information like title etc etc & at last click on 'Visible in user registration form' to allow this field to appear in registration form & then save it.
Here theres your 'realname' field with other drupal registration fields.
2) If you wish to add a text area of say 5x5, then add 'multi-line textfield' & follow the same procedure as above.
3) checkbox - this can be used for giving terms & conditions options